January 13, 2025

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Ce am gasit?

When Demi express herself she puts all of her energy into her music to serve her repetoire which is written with four hands: herself and her accomplice and mentor Fred Morisset . Demi envoke time after time the innocence of childhood, separation, death, and the roll of a woman in our society with a cofirmed touch of poetry.

She will shake your emotions with an undeniable accent of truth . An unconditional fan of Nina Simone, she revendicate the militant and humanistic heritage. Demi propose an unclassable style of music that..s transparent and direct, with a surprising mix of southern soul and committed folk pop. She never forget the gospel and blues which were the props of her childhood in Texas.

If this child of the black america sound like a person outside of the musical scene which is often formated and reduced, it..s because of her uncut personality and eclectism, the heritage of her unusual path.
In L.A. it..s not by the musical way but on the fashion business that Demi built her name. She wore the colors of Jean Paul Gaultier and Christian Lacroix from Paris to Milano and Wien. But in the early summer of 95.. in Monte-Carlo a big car accident reduced to nothingness all the years of effort and hard work as an artist. >>>> Demi Evans profile

Oare de ce si-ar dori sa ma adauge un om lista lui de myspace care ii are il lista de prieteni pe:

, dar sa lasam cuvintele si intrebarile in spate si sa o ascultam pe cea cu care tocmai am legat o prietenie, deocamdata tacita, pe MySpace.

Demi Evans -My America-

DEMI EVANS | MySpace Music Videos

3 thoughts on “DEMI EVANS would like to be your friend on MySpace.

  1. myspace este diferit de restul retelelor de socializare inca de la lansare.nimeni nu este fanul nimanui acolo,toti sunt prieteni si in general nu sunt tepe,iar vedetele raspund la mesaje.sa fim seriosi,exista si o altfel de lume fara fitze.

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